
Posts Tagged ‘spread’

It may be a busy summer, even for updating my blog, but it’s never too busy for food making (almost). This time, I decided to make some time, and post an easy peasy recipe.

While due to my Paleo nutrition I keep most nuts to a minimum (I usually stick to macadamia nuts), my kids are not whole Paleo. The transition is slow. They would still take sandwiches to school (summer camp) for lunch, along with some veggie snacks or fruit.  To spoil them a bit, and to get them off of peanut butter, I have decided to make hazelnut butter/spread.

an all natural roaster hazelnut chocolate butter, diy

a wee scoop of hazelnut-chocolate butter on celery

Without further ado, I would like to introduce … The Hazelnut Chocolate Spread.

you’ll need:

  • 2 cups of raw hazelnuts
  • 1 tsp coarse sea salt
  • 2 tsp 100% cacao powder (or more)
  • 4-5 pitted dates

how to:

1. Heat oven to 350°f.

2. Spread the hazelnuts on a parchment lined baking sheet, and bake for 15 minutes. Check on them occasionally, and make sure they’re not burning.  Wiggle the baking sheet if needed.

3. Transfer the roasted hazelnuts onto a clean towel, even if they’re still a bit hot. Wrap them and rub them, until most of the skins come off. These will produce a creamier butter. Oh- of course not all skins will come off 🙂

roasted hazelnuts, skins removed

roasted hazelnuts, skins removed

4. Place the hazelnuts and the rest of the ingredients in the food processor, and process in pulses (watch out, you don’t want to over heat the machine), until you get a nice, smooth, creamy consistency. All you need is patience.

on the way to becoming a hazelnut chocolate butter

roasted hazelnuts + chocolate powder + dates + sea salt

an all natural roaster hazelnut chocolate butter, diy

roasted hazelnuts n’ chocolate butter half way through

an all natural roaster hazelnut chocolate butter, diy

roasted hazelnuts butter- done!

5. Transfer to a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Place in the refrigerator.


Just like any kind of sauce, salsa, or smoothie, nut butter recipes are always open to suggestions, trials, and imagination. Explore and add: vanilla extract, chilli powder, maple syrup, honey, another kind of nut, more chocolate powder, coconut shreds, and cinnamon.

You can also play around with the consistency. Go for crunchy if you like (less process in the machine).

Ta- Dam

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